Monthly Archives: November 2010

Music Warehouse Sale – Win A Guitar!

The Adaminaby Hangar Bush Dance on Saturday 13 November was a lot of fun. Here’s some pictures:

(Click on thumbnails for larger image)

Please send any more pictures if you have them.

“Café Music with a touch of Christmas Fun!”

Come and enjoy a delicious afternoon tea in our “Music Café”.

Live music will be provided by students & teachers of Cooma School of Music.

The “Café Music” concept is a variation on the theme of “student concert”. We decided to “play” this in the “key of relaxed”. The audience is seated at tables around the hall. They can listen to the music, case
read the Saturday papers, prescription
play a game of chess, cards, snakes and ladders, have a conversation, enjoy a leisurely afternoon tea with bottomless cups of tea or coffee. The music students could perform in this more relaxed atmosphere.

The audience is not expected to stay for the whole afternoon. They can come and go as they please. We realise how busy everyone is right now!

The café opens at 4pm, Saturday 11 December at St Paul’s Anglican Church Hall, 138 Commissioner Street.

Please bring a plate of festive food to share and some games to play. Tea & coffee will be provided free.

Prizes for the Best Table Decorations!

Lucky Door Prizes!

If you want to play, when you arrive, just choose the time you want to play and write your name next to that timeslot on the whiteboard in the Hall.


  • Adults $5
  • Children $2
  • Family $15

Presented by Cooma School of Music

We are running a music instrument sale.

Also, help
make any purchase instore before December 31st 2010, and fill in a form to go into the draw to win a Martinez Solid-Top Cutaway Acoustic Guitar!

(click on thumbnails to see specials)

Available from:

Cooma School of Music
Shop 2, Parkview Arcade, 123 Sharp Street,
Cooma, NSW 2630
Phone: 02 6452 6067
Fax: 02 6452 4938

Adaminaby Hangar Bushdance Pictures

The Adaminaby Hangar Bush Dance on Saturday 13 November was a lot of fun. Here’s some pictures:

(Click on thumbnails for larger image)

Please send any more pictures if you have them.

Café Music – Saturday 11 December 2010 at 4.00 pm

Chris Wall

An Afternoon of Music promises to be an enjoyable and entertaining event. Our own Daryl Gaukroger, stomatology himself a talented musician has organized this concert which will feature  many of our local musicians.  The extremely popular Cooma Harmony Chorus will be performing along with Daryl Gaukroger, David Ford, Vera Shanley, Chris And Sarah Wall, and more.

  • Where: St Paul’s Anglican Church, Commissioner Street, Cooma
  • When: Sunday 5 December 2010 at 2.30 pm
  • Tickets: $15 each (includes “Festive  Afternoon Tea”) Tickets are available from The Fabric Salon (Vale Street, Cooma) or Anglican Parish Office (Commissioner Street, Cooma). Tickets are Limited.

Cooma Harmony Chorus

“Café Music with a touch of Christmas Fun!”

Come and enjoy a delicious afternoon tea in our “Music Café”.

Live music will be provided by students & teachers of Cooma School of Music.

The “Café Music” concept is a variation on the theme of “student concert”. We decided to “play” this in the “key of relaxed”. The audience is seated at tables around the hall. They can listen to the music, prescription
read the Saturday papers, pills
play a game of chess, pulmonologist
cards, snakes and ladders, have a conversation, enjoy a leisurely afternoon tea with bottomless cups of tea or coffee. The music students will perform in a more relaxed atmosphere.

The audience is not expected to stay for the whole afternoon. They can come and go as they please. We realise how busy everyone is right now!

The café opens at 4pm, Saturday 11 December at St Paul’s Anglican Church Hall, 138 Commissioner Street.

Please bring a plate of festive food to share and some games to play. Tea & coffee will be provided free.

Prizes for the Best Table Decorations!

Lucky Door Prizes!

If you want to play, when you arrive, just choose the time you want to play and write your name next to that timeslot on the whiteboard in the Hall.


  • Adults $5
  • Children $2
  • Family $15

Presented by Cooma School of Music

Musica da Camera Cooma Concert 2010

Musica da Camera in concert on Sunday 21 November 2010 at St Paul’s Anglican Church Hall, prosthetic Cooma.

An audience of over 60 people was treated to a lovely concert by Canberra-based chamber orchestra, Musica da Camera. This wonderful group of musicians was ably directed by Rowan Harvey-Martin.

The lush rich sounds of  Dvorak’s Serenade for Strings was a perfect work  to open the concert. After a short intermission, harpist Meriel Owen performed Debussy’s Sacred and Profane Dances with the orchestra. She played this favourite of the harp repertoire beautifully.

The next piece was Radastave Op. 146 No. 2 by Jean Sibelius. Sibelius is said to evoke the landscape of his beloved Finland in this and many of his works.

The orchestra was then joined by Anthony Smith. This extremely talented pianist  performed “Eclogue for Piano and Strings” by the British Composer, Gerald Finzi (1901-1956). This work was also a treat for me  as I am unfamiliar with this composer. It was a lovely piece played beautifully by Anthony Smith and Musica da Camera.

The concert was received very positively by an enthusiastic Cooma audience, and I’m sure that they would love to hear Musica da Camera perform again in Cooma in the near future.

Musica da Camera will be performing next in Canberra on Saturday 9 April 2011 at 2:30 pm, at Holy Covenant Anglican Church, Cook.

If you would like to get on to the Musica da Camera mailing list here are their details:

  • Musica da Camera, 12 Bindel Place, Aranda ACT 2614
  • Email:

An Afternoon of Music – Sunday 5 December 2010

Chris Wall

An Afternoon of Music promises to be an enjoyable and entertaining event. Our own Darrell Gaukroger, illness himself a talented musician has organized this concert which will feature  many of our local musicians.  The extremely popular Cooma Harmony Chorus will be performing along with Darrell Gaukroger, David Ford, Vera Shanley, Chris And Sarah Wall, and more.

  • Where: St Paul’s Anglican Church, Commissioner Street, Cooma
  • When: Sunday 5 December 2010 at 2.30 pm
  • Tickets: $15 each (includes “Festive  Afternoon Tea”) Tickets are available from The Fabric Salon (Vale Street, Cooma) or Anglican Parish Office (Commissioner Street, Cooma). Tickets are Limited.

Cooma Harmony Chorus

Cooma Music Competition Was A Great Success

Well, stomach what a huge day and evening it was on Sunday. But it was fun!

We had over 55 performances in the heats during the afternoon and 16 performances in the Finals Concert.

A special thanks again to the judges, Glenyss Allen, Matt Charlesworth, Marián Budoŝ and Ivana Troŝelj. Our wonderful Glenyss judged the solo piano heats and Matt, Marián and Ivana judged the rest of the heats and Finals Concert. Thanks too to Paul Mackay for all the great work he did on the PA system.

and the winners in the heats were…
  • Mia Mrsic – Piano Primary
  • Nicole Goggin – Piano Secondary
  • Esther Lachmund – Solo Voice Secondary
  • Karen Klima – Solo Voice Open
  • Tim Cooke – Original Composition Secondary/Open
  • Mark Salvestro & Miranda Evans – Vocal Group Secondary/Open
  • India & Jade Old – Instrumental Primary
  • Nick Tugwell & Alex Wiles – Instrumental Secondary
  • Darcy Clayton – Classical Guitar Primary
  • Esa Janara – Classical Guitar Secondary/Open
  • Madeleine Rooney – Solo Instrumental Primary
  • Alex Wiles – Solo Instrumental Secondary
The 5 “Wild Cards” were:
  • Lucky (Instrumental Ensemble)
  • Annaka Dykstra (Acoustic Guitar)
  • Sarah Lachmund (Clarinet)
  • Daniel Morassutti (Drums)
  • Tamara John-Natley (Violin)
and the overall winners from the Finals Concert were:
  • Daniel Morassutti (Drums) – Frank Scott Music Award Trophy
  • Annaka Dykstra (Guitar) – Russell & Jackie Fox Music Award Trophy
  • Tim Clooke (Vocal) – Ron Cox Music Award Trophy
  • Esa Janara  – Narrawong Classical Guitar Award Trophy

Congratulations to all the winners and all the performers for a wonderful competition and concert. This year was particularly difficult for the judges as the scores were so close (often by just one point or dead heat, even with three judges!). As a result, there was a record number of “Wild Card”entries into the Finals Concert. The judges also commented that the performances in the evening were a real improvement on the heats; the contestants had obviously put into practice some of the suggestions made in the afternoon. They were very impressed by the high standard of the performances.
(Please click on thumbnails for larger images)