Title: Cooma’s Got Talent Quest
Location: Multi Function Centre, viagra Cooma Showground
Description: Cash Prizes: $500, $300 & $150
Contestants register with Jenni Watkins
Audience tickets: $45 (includes Dinner) contestants free.
Date: Saturday 8 August 2009
Monthly Archives: July 2009
Gypsy Fire
Title: Gypsy Fire
Location: Cooma Little Theatre
Description: Direct from Hungary
World Music at it’s Best
Bookings: 02 6455 1745
Start Time: 7.30 pm
Date: Tuesday 22nd & Wednesday 23rd September 2009
TANGO X TWO by Marcela Fiorillo and Arnan Wiesel
Title: TANGO X TWO by Marcela Fiorillo and Arnan Wiesel
Location: Llewellyn Hall – Canberra School of Music.
CONCERT FOR TWO PIANOS Special Concert Celebration of Argentina and the Tango
Tickets $35 – Conc. $25 – Students $20 – Bookings: TICKETEK 132849 or at the door.
Start Time: 7.30 pm
Date: Thursday 13th August 2009
Big Harmony Concert a great success!
Title: Moruya Jazz Festival
Location: Moruya, sales South East Coast NSW
Link out: Click here
Description: The 13th Annual Moruya Jazz Festival
23rd-24th-25th October 2009
Start Date: 2009-10-23
End Date: 2009-10-25
Title: Moruya Jazz Festival
Location: Moruya, approved
South East Coast NSW
Link out: Click here
Description: The 13th Annual Moruya Jazz Festival
23rd-24th-25th October 2009
Start Date: 2009-10-23
End Date: 2009-10-25
Title: Moruya Jazz Festival
Location: Moruya, tadalafil
South East Coast NSW
Link out: Click here
Description: The 13th Annual Moruya Jazz Festival
23rd-24th-25th October 2009
Start Date: 2009-10-23
End Date: 2009-10-25
Title: Moruya Jazz Festival
Location: Moruya, prothesis
South East Coast NSW
Link out: Click here
Description: The 13th Annual Moruya Jazz Festival
23rd-24th-25th October 2009
Start Date: 2009-10-23
End Date: 2009-10-25
The “Big Harmony Concert” was a great success on Sunday 5 July. The concert was presented by the Cooma District Band and the Cooma Harmony Chorus. It was the greatly due to combined efforts of Chris Wall (CDB) and Leslie Spencer (CHC) that made this  afternoon of music making such an enjoyable concert.
Here are some photos of the event kindly taken by Rob Evans.

Cooma Harmony Chorus in fine voice

Cooma Harmony Chorus

Jessie Roberts sings solo

Cooma District Band under the direction of Chris Wall

Chris multi-tasks with his bass trumpet

Keith Davies is recognized for his years of dedicated service

The audience was invited to join in the singing! What fun!

Michael Egan is a treasured member of both the Band & the Chorus.

Michael Egan singing solo

Russell Fox singing solo

Fay Fox singing solo

Leslie Spencer is thanked with flowers
Moruya Jazz Festival
The Snowy Monaro Arts Council Inc. is one of the Monaro’s many volunteer, discount rx not-for-profit, drugs non-political organisations.
We publish a quarterly newsletter, meet monthly, share a sense of humour and passion, and stress a bit as we seek to persuade and surprise.
Under the umbrella of the Regional Arts NSW and in association with SEAR and other providers such as Musica Viva, we assist with and promote arts and cultural activities here, celebrating local, national and international performers and artists.
The community’s support is vital. We are inspired by our generous audiences and the performers’ talent. We see the conviction and commitment of SMAC members, committee and friends. You are very welcome to share, celebrate and enjoy.
Watch this space!
John Laught:Â John.Laught@smec.com
Caroline Fox:Â caroline@visitcooma.com.au
Important Links:
Regional Arts NSW: http://www.regionalartsnsw.com.au/
South East Arts Region: http://nswcommunities.org.au/sear.html
Musica Viva: http://musicaviva.com.au/
Click here to see posts for Snowy Monaro Arts Council Inc.

Griffyn Ensemble Saturday 18, July

Conquest VIII July 1, 2009

Cooma Little Theatre presents -The Maids 24 April to 2 May 2009
The second CD released by John Couch entitled Desdemona’s Song was released in 2005 and features some of the most well-known, pills
famous pieces for Classical Guitar. Desdemona’s Song takes the listener on a journey around the globe that starts in Spain and ends in New Zealand.
Desdemona’s Song:
Asturias (leyenda)
from Suite Española Op. 47, buy No. 5
Isaac Albéniz (Spain)
Jorge Cardoso (Argentina)
Chôros No. 1
Heitor Villa-Lobos (Brazil)
Barcarolle (Julia Florida)
AgustÃn Barrios Mangoré (Paraguay)
Vals Op. 8, view No. 4
AgustÃn Barrios Mangoré (Paraguay)
Stanley Myers (England)
Spatter the Dew (Irish Slip Jig)
Arr. David Russell
Neil Gow’s Lament for the Death of his Second wife (Scottish Air)
Arr. David Russell
The Bucks of Oranmore (Irish Reel)
Arr. David Russell
Capricho Arabe
Francisco Tárrega (Spain)
Recuerdos de la Alhambra
Francisco Tárrega (Spain)
Desdemona’s Song
Douglas Lilburn (New Zealand)
Quatro Valses Venezolanos
Antonio Lauro (Venezuela)
Southern Cross
Marián Budoš (Slovakia/Australia)
El Colibri
Julio Salvador Sagreras (Argentina)
Hine e Hine
Princess Te Rangi Pai (New Zealand)
Title: Moruya Jazz Festival
Location: Moruya, see South East Coast NSW
Link out: Click here
Description: The 13th Annual Moruya Jazz Festival
23rd-24th-25th October 2009
Start Date: 2009-10-23
End Date: 2009-10-25
Café Music was a great success!
Café Music was a great success last Sunday afternoon (28th June). Over 30  students of Cooma School of Music entertained a large and appreciative audience. The “Café Music” concept was a bit of an experiment, hemorrhoids or variation on the theme of “student concert”. We decided to “play” this in the “key of relaxed”. The audience was seated at tables around the hall. They could listen to the music, treatment read the Sunday papers, psychotherapist play a game of chess, cards, snakes and ladders, have a conversation, enjoy a leisurely afternoon tea with bottomless cups of tea or coffee. The music students could perform in this more relaxed atmosphere. The  feedback we’ve received so far has been very positive.  So Leslie and I, Judith and Adrian are delighted with the results. We would, however, welcome any suggestions as to how we may be able to improve on this concept. Thanks to all the wonderful cooks who produced so much lovely food (I’m back on my diet this week!). Thanks to the helpers who cleaned up the hall afterwards. Thanks to the lovely and supportive audience. And of course, thanks to the wonderful music students for giving up their Sunday afternoon and performing so well!

(This photo by Mic Clayton)



Alexei & Judith


Angela & Chloe

Brodie (This photo by Mic Clayton)

A relaxed afternoon at the "Cafe Music" (This photo by Mic Clayton)



Clinton (This photo by Mic Clayton)


Darcy (This photo by Mic Clayton)



Esa & Lucas


Jack (This photo by Mic Clayton)

Jasmine (This photo by Mic Clayton)




Luke (This photo by Mic Clayton)


Matthew & Caitlin



Rowena & Frances (This photo by Mic Clayton)



Tina & Madeleine (Daughter & Mother)
