’40’ Cafe & Eatery
89 Sharp Street, what is ed Cooma NSW 2630
Phone: (02) 6452 2527
Mobile: 0419 032 443
40 Cafe would love to invite you to our Irish Evening on saturday this week, buy viagra Free Music, misbirth BYO and wonderful food.
About ’40’ Cafe:
At ’40’ Café we are making, or trying to make, a difference in the lives of people locally and over seas!
We are doing that in a number of ways.
We are endeavouring to use local produce to help local farmers and local producers with their busness (if only in a small way).
We are producing great quality food for our local community and wonderful organic and fair trade coffee, produced in Byron Bay.
Highering local staff.
Wearing organic and ethically made uniforms, so the the money we spend is used wisely to benefit the production and the people making the product are getting paid for what they do!
Using Biodegradable packaging so that our waste goes back into the ground and doesn’t sit in land fills for our children to try to get rid of later!
Click here to find out about the charities we support.
We have many wonderful vegan, vegetarian main meals and desserts.
We also cater for gluten free diets, lactose intolerant and of course, we only use organic meat and free range eggs.
Make sure you try our wonderful coffee on your next visit – we use only the best quality – Bunn Coffe from Byron Bay.
and a flippin fantastic day to you too!
righto, here it is, Funky pies aims to address the way fast food impacts on the enviroment, you , the gereration after you and so on and so on.
were not interested in ripping off the planet to make a buck, and when you support us, you too will be supporting that philosophy.
now go and order your pies and stock up on some good karma…..
This year the annual Feast of Poetry writing festival has expanded to include a Song Writing Competition.
 A Feast of Poetry has been a wonderful poetry writing festival and competition. This competition was first held in 2004.  The Presentation Day for A Feast of Poetry is set for Sunday, website like this
the 4th of November 2012 and it will be  held in the beautiful gardens of the historic Raglan Gallery and Cultural Centre Inc, in Lambie Street Cooma, NSW.
The main focus of the song writing competition will be the lyrics. Finalists will be invited to perform their song (or allow it to be performed) at the Presentation Day on the 4 November 2012. Depending on the number of entries there are for this inaugural event, earlier heats may  have to be organized prior to the Presentation Day.
- Adult/Open – 1st Prize $100 voucher, 2nd & 3rd – certificate
- Secondary (12 – 17 yrs) – 1st Prize $50 voucher, 2nd & 3rd – certificate
- Primary (5 – 11 yrs) -Â 1st Prize $30 voucher, 2nd & 3rd – certificate
Entries close on 17 September 2012
For more information contact Allan Spencer:
- Phone: (02) 6452 6067
- Email: allan@coomamusic.com.au
- Address: Cooma School of Music, 2/123 Sharp Street, Cooma NSW 2630
Conditions of Entry for
Poems & Songs
Entries close on 17th September 2012
Entry fees for both poems and songs:
Adults $5, school age children $2 or stamps
On the Spot Poem and Open Microphone – free.
Primary & Secondary Bush Poetry (on the day) – free
ï‚· All poems and songs must be original and unpublished.
ï‚· 2 copies of each poem/ lyrics must be submitted for the
entry to be valid.
ï‚· Parents must sign entry forms if students are under 16
years old.
ï‚· Bush poetry is to be rhyming bush verse with an
Australian theme. Each poem must have good rhyme
and a regular metre.
ï‚· Works must be printed or typed on one side only of A4
plain paper with no artwork or decoration.
ï‚· Pages must be numbered and titled if the poem /song is
longer than one page.
ï‚· Write your name on the entry form only and attach entry
form to your work/s.
ï‚· Poems & songs will not be returned, and only finalists will
be notified.
ï‚· Finalists will be invited to read their own poem and/or
perform their song (or allow it to be read or performed) at
A Feast of Poetry Day, 4th November 2012.
ï‚· Songs will be judged mainly on strength of the song lyric.
 The judges’ decision is final.
ï‚· Selection of poems / lyrics for publication is at the discretion
of the committee. The poems may be published in the
annual anthology, selected writers’ magazines and local
(Click on thumbnails below for full size entry forms)
- Entry Form – Feast of Poetry 2012 brochure – front
- Entry Form – Feast of Poetry 2012 brochure -back
- A Feast of Poetry to be held at The Raglan Gallery & Culural Centre