Monthly Archives: April 2016

Musica da Camera in Concert – Cooma Sunday 15 May 2016 at 2:30pm

Musica da Camera - Canberra’s Premier String Orchestra will be performing in Cooma NSW.

musica da camera poster

SUNDAY 15 MAY 2016 2.30 pm
St Paul’s Anglican Church Hall
136 Commissioner Street, purchase Cooma NSW

Tickets: Adults $25; Concession $20; Children Free (includes a light afternoon tea)

Booking: Cooma School of Music,

  • Phone:  (02) 6452 6067
  • Email:


The conductor, Rowan Harvey Martin, will direct a program of very listenable early 20th century music by European composers

Parry, C Hubert H (1848-1918)

An English Suite for String Orchestra, 1914

In the “High English” style, with moments of simple, melodic grace sandwiched between episodes of complexity and sophistication. Still incomplete at his death in 1918, this work was finished by his amanuensis.

Bloch, Ernest(1880-1959)  

Concerto Grosso for String Orchestra & Piano Obligato, 1924

Clearly constructed as a Concerto Grosso but incorporating traditional sounding melodies from his heritage. Surprising humour at times, and more than one swipe at JS Bach.

Respighi, Ottorino(1879-1936)

Ancient Airs and Dances (for Lute) Suite III. 1932.

Respighi’s characteristicly intricate reworking of old music to subtly exploit the capabilities of “modern” instruments.

Skalkottas, Nikos (1904-1949)

Five Greek Dances

Passionate, unquestionably Greek, dances for string orchestra.

What A Great Night! Cooma Youth Music Awards 2016

resuscitation sans-serif;”>This year’s second annual Cooma Youth Music Awards was an outstanding success.

site sans-serif; color: #141823; line-height: 1.71429;”>This event was held as part of National Youth Week. It was presented by Cooma School of Music with the support of Cooma Monaro Shire Council, info The Hub Youth Centre and the Two Vaults Restaurant.

This year it was decided to trial a new venue, The Two Vaults Restaurant in Sharp Street. This proved to be a stroke of genius and credit must go to Emma Green for this idea.

22 young Cooma musicians participated in the 2 1/2 hour event. These wonderful young artists performed for a capacity audience of over 120 people with standing room only! The standard of performance was extremely high.

There were 2 age categories: Juniors (12 to 15 years of age) and Seniors (16 to 25 years of age). They competed for 6 prizes that totalled over $400 in value. Gunther Gorman and Graham French were our volunteer judges. Their task, needless to say, was formidable.

The winners were:
Best Performance Seniors: Trio band – Oscar Litchfield, Dominic Holgate & Harry Paradice
Best Performance Juniors: Burnum Brademann (classical guitar)
Special Judges’ Award: Oscar Litchfield
Special Judges’ Award: Matilda Rose
Special Judges’ Award: Shelby Grace
Special Judges’ Award: Laila Bradshaw

More feedback, video and photos may be found at: