The Barstars will be  performing again at the Snowy Vineyard & Micobrewery from 1.30 pm on Sunday 10 April.
All welcome to come along and have a great afternoon of wine, sovaldi sale beer, resuscitation food and music. Entry is FREE!
Mention this posting and your first house beer or house wine is free!
Lunch is available.
Lunch & Courtesy Bus bookings on 1300 7666 08 or click here.
To get a free download of The Barstars’ music email Mike Waddell on:

"The Barstars" Mike Waddle, Gunther Gorman (Daddy Cool, Sherbert & more), Dave Twohill (Mental As Anything, Dragon, Men At Work), Roger McCulloch
Guitarist, Didgeridoo Player” src=”×200.jpg” width=”270″ height=”180″ /> Mike Waddell – Singer, Guitarist, Didgeridoo Player
Mike Waddell is a talented soloist. He is a singer, guitarist and didgeridoo player.
Mike loves entertaining the crowd with a popular mix of covers and original songs with the occasional solo on the didgeridoo.
Mike is also the bass player for the Cooma-based band, the Barstars
To hear Mike go to:
Contact: 0417 223 891
Click on thumbnails below for larger image:
- Mike Waddell – Singer, Guitarist, Didgeridoo Player