Numeralla Fingerplunkers-for Bluegrass Music Lovers
Numeralla Fingerplunkers having fun at the Folk Festival 2009
Playing Bluegrass for fun

Numeralla Fingerplunkers having fun at the Folk Festival 2009

Playing Bluegrass for fun
Numeralla Fingerplunkers are a group of enthusiastic amateur musicians that love playing bluegrass music together and have a lot of fun on the way.

Jacko with banjo ‘n dog
They meet fortnightly at the Numeralla hall (approx. 20 minutes drive from Cooma).
The instruments favoured by the Numeralla Fingerplunkers include:
- Banjo
- Guitar
- Mandolin
- Violin
- Double Bass
- Singing
They are always looking for more players-young or old, viagra sale beginner or advanced. Everyone’s welcome!
They have a 2008/2009 playlist of songs they’re working through including:
- Old Joe Clark
- Boil Them Cabbage Down
- Cripple Creek
- Irish Washerwoman
- Worried Man Blues
- Will The Circle Be Unbroken
More songs are to be added as the group progresses through the playlist.
The suggested format for the fortnightly meeting/jam session consists of:
- 1.00 pm start
- Warmup with banjo roll practise/backup styles
- Play through Playlist Songs using leads, malady backup & singing
- Break for cuppa
- “What’s New†– upcoming events, more info new songs & CDs, new books/print music, etc.
- Freestyle Jam-anything goes!
Contact: Ross Martin
Phone: 6452 4408
Mobile: 0414 260 515

let’s jam!