Monthly Archives: March 2019

ANBC Stanthorpe Busking Championships 2019 – Results

The Inadequates - Stanthorpe Open Champions, Peoples Choice Award Winners and Best Band

The Inadequates – Stanthorpe Open Champions, Peoples Choice Award Winners and Best Band

ANBC Stanthorpe 2019 was a huge success. The support from the businesses in Stanthorpe was amazing! The crowds of people that came to watch were a record high. And the quality of the performances was first class.

Here are the results: Winners – The Results ANBC Stanthorpe 2019

This year’s event was run by the good people from the Apple & Grape Harvest Festival

Felicity Kircher - Stanthorpe Secondary Champion

Felicity Kircher – Stanthorpe Secondary Champion

Stanthorpe State Primary School Choir - Primary Champions

Stanthorpe State Primary School Choir – Primary Champions