Canberra Blues Society November Gig Guide 2009
Canberra Blues Society November Gig Guide 2009
Here’s some pictures of the Numeralla Fingerplunkers taken at the 60th Anniversary of the Snowy Scheme on Sunday 18 October 2009. It was a great success. Well done Plunkers!
Click on thumbnails below to get larger image.
Title: Woodford Folk Festival
Location: Woodford Queensland
Link out: Click here
Description: One of Australia largest folk festivals
Start Date: 27 December 2009
End Date: 1 January 2010
The Numeralla Fingerplunkers had a lot of fun playing at the Bredbo Ute Muster.
(Click on thumbnails below to see larger images)
Here’s some pictures of the Cooma Harmony Chorus taken at the 60th Anniversary of the Snowy Scheme on Sunday 18 October 2009. It was a great success. The Chorus sang beautifully. Thanks Paul Mackay for the sound.
And well done Hazel!
Click on thumbnails below to get larger image.
Title: Music at the Bowling Club
Location: Cooma Bowling Club
Description: Open mic afternoon to raise money for Cooma Hospital. Contact:Elaine Schofields 6452 5925
Date: 2009-10-08
Participating Bands/Groups/Choirs.
1. Canberra Concerto Orchestra Concert Band
2. St. Francis Xavier College – A.C.T.
3. Cooma District Band
4. Salvation Army, web
5. Snowy Mountains Grammar School, drugs
6. Queanbeyan High School
7. Snowy Mountains Christian School Concert Band
8. Eden Marine High School
9. Heartsong Choir – Bega
10. Harmony Chorus – Cooma
There will be many individuals attending as well, physiotherapy
as players or singers, mostly secondary school age, university or more advanced in ‘life’s experience’.
Sectional Rehearsal Groups – BAND
1. Flute                                              Liz Mitchell (A.C.T.)
2. Clarinet                                         Judith Marriott (Cooma)
3. Saxaphone                                     Bryan Hooley (Murrumbateman)
4. Trumpet                                        Helen Gill (Candelo)
5. French Horn                                  Ron Bennett (A.C.T.)
6. Trombone                                     Michael Bailey (A.C.T.)
7. Low Brass                                      Chris Wall (Cooma)
8. Percussion                                     Veronica Walshaw (A.C.T.)
Combined Choir Conductor/Clinician – Rodney Clancy (A.C.T.)
“Heartsong†– Geoff Badger (Bega)
Harmony Chorus – Leslie Spencer (Cooma)
Accompanist - Carol Wagner (Jindabyne)
Concert Band Sectionals and the Choir Workshops will run at Snowy Mountains Christian School, Cnr Boona & Baroons Sts, Cooma (opposite Snowy Hydro in Mittagang Rd.)
Phone 6452 4333. Fax: 6452 4300.
1. Title theme to Chicken Run
2. Fiddler on the Roof – Medley
Parts are available by contacting me, Phil Horneman on 0401 624 138 or at night on 6452 1255.
A Special Request: Could all band/choir directors let me know by fax, phone or email:
This information will help the tutors to prepare for the day.
9.30am           Welcome to SMCS
10.00am         Sectional Rehearsal No. 1. / Choir Workshop 1
11.00am         Break
11.20am         Sectional Rehearsal No. 2 / Choir Workshop 2
12.00noon      Lunch
1.00pm          Combined Item Rehearsal / Combined Choir Rehearsal, both at SMCS
2.00pm          Concert Part 1
2 – 3 items from individual Band groups or Sectional Ensembles, the
massed band items, and Choir items.
3.15pm           Afternoon Tea
3.45pm           Concert Part 2
Sectional Teachers will be prepared with one or two easy arrangements for each group, e.g. Flute Choir. Some time may be used for the combined Band parts, but the bulk of the time will be used to prepare a performance for the afternoon concert.
(This Program will be adapted if necessary)
2.00pm           Part 1
Instrumental Groups x 2-3
Harmony Chorus
Instrumental Groups x 2-3
Heartsong Choir
Combined Choir Item
3.15pm           Afternoon Tea
3.40pm           Part 2
Canberra Concerto Orchestra CB.
St Francis Xavier CB.
Combined CB Items
4.30pm           Finale & Tidy up.
SPECIAL REQUEST 1 The SMCS music festival will be a UNIFORM DAY. That is, all school bands/groups should attend in school uniforms. All Community Bands/Groups are asked to perform in their usual performance attire, but are welcome to wear neat casual attire during the day.  (Classrooms can be used as change rooms if required). The Concert is open to the public and I would like us to look our best on stage.
SPECIAL REQUEST 2Â Could all Concert Band musicians be sure to bring:
1. Music stands
2. Instrument(s)
3. Combined Item music
4. Performance music.
5. School uniforms or concert dress.
A photocopier will be available early in the day for emergencies. Both Rodney Clancy and myself have original copies of the Combined band charts.
Just a reminder there will be a canteen on the day with BBQ and healthy food!
Thank you again for your participation.
Yours sincerely,
Phil Horneman
Email:Â phil.horneman@smcs.nsw.edu.au Phone:Â 0401 624 138Â Â 6452 1255
Phone SMCS: 6452 4333,  Fax: 6452 4300.
P.S. Activities at the Festival will be recorded on camera and video, interviews may also take place in the breaks. The aim will be to present an article to the Journal of the Music Council of Australia – MUSIC FORUM.
Title: Bushdance-Ruby Everett & Family Appeal
Location: St Paul’s Anglican Church Hall, purchase Commissioner Street, page Cooma
Description: Tickets at the door:
Adults $10/Children (school aged) $5/Families $20
Donations of food for the supper gratefully accepted.
Ruby Everett has been suffering from ill health and has recently undergone surgery for a brain tumour. Let’s band together to raise money to help Ruby and her family.
Presented by Cooma School of Music:
Ph:Â (02) 6452 6067
Date: Friday 6 November 2009
Time: 7.00 pm to  9.30 pm
Alpine Hotel:Â 170 Sharp Street, viagra 60mg Cooma NSW 2630 Ph: (02) 6452 1466 Email: info@alpinehotel.com.au
Australian Hotel (The Aussie): 137 Sharp Street, phlebologist  Cooma NSW 2630 Ph: (02) 6452 1844
Coffey’s Hotel: 6 Short Street, geriatrician Cooma NSW 2630 Ph: (02) 6452 2064 (Performers’ Night (open mic) Â every Thursday at 7.00 pm.)
Cooma Country & Bowling Club: 6 Mawson Street, Cooma NSW 2630 Ph: (02) 6452 Â 1229
Cooma Exservices Club: 106 Vale Street, Cooma NSW 2630 Ph: (02) 6452 1144 Email: kade@coomaexservicesclub.com.au
Cooma Hotel: Corner of Massie & Vale Streets, Cooma NSW 2630 Ph: (02) 6452 2003
Dodd’s Hotel: 94 Commissioner Street, Cooma NSW 2630 Ph: (02) 6452 2132
The Royal Hotel: Corner of Sharp & Lambie Streets, Cooma NSW 2630 Ph: (02) 6452 2132 Email: royalhotelcooma@bigpond.com
Title: Music Festival-Snowy Mountains Christian School
Location: SMCS Cnr. Baroona Avenue & Boona Street Cooma North
Link out: Click here
Description: For Orchestra Concert Band players and Choral Singers. Workshops & Concert $10 per person all day
Time: 9.30 am to 4.30 pm
Date: Saturday 31 October 2009
Concert Band Features:
Choir Features:
Code: 699799 $15.95 -wo dozen classics arranged especially for banjo in notes & tab: Away in a Manger • Carol of the Bells • Deck the Hall • Good King Wenceslas • Hark! The Herald Angels Sing • Jingle Bells • O Christmas Tree • O Holy Night • Silent Night • We Wish You a Merry Christmas • and more. Includes a banjo notation legend.
Code: 505890 $34.95 With the Three-Chord Christmas Songbook you will need only minimal playing skills and three chords - G, C, and D7 - to accompany each song in this great book. The jam-packed book is invaluable for all beginning musicians, casual musicians, teachers, family bands, and performers. Melody, lyrics, and chords are included for all songs. Guitar, uke, and five-string banjo diagrams are included for the three chords, along with basic accompaniment tips. Transposing and how-to-use-the-capo tips are included for singers. An invaluable sourcebook for teachers - and a handy, compact fakebook for performers. A unique collection of timeless songs for the entire family. Accompany 50 vibrant Christmas songs with only minimal playing skills. Each song includes melody, lyrics, and chords. Perhaps the most interesting collection of Christmas songs to be found in print today. Interesting historical images are found throughout the text. A superb book for getting beginners involved and keeping them involved. Only a few minutes of technical training equips any person to accompany all 50 songs in this book. Teachers can use this collection as a foundation to teach more advanced patterns and arranging techniques. Excellent "mini fake book" resource for all musicians and performers.
Code: 506190 $59.95 By Murphy Henry. For Guitar (Flatpicking). Rhythm/Backup. Learn Music by Ear. Bluegrass. Beginning. DVD. Duration 88. Published by Murphy Method. Tired of playing out of G and C position all the time? Ready to try some different keys? This video introduces the keys of D, A, and E and shows you plenty of new and exciting runs to use in these keys. We also explain the all-important Lester Flatt G run! Best of all, we include a long lesson on using the capo to play in different keys. A fabulous video for guitar players who feel like they are stuck in a rut. Jam-packed with information you won't find anywhere else! No Tab.
Code: 506390 $59.95 By Murphy Henry with Casey Henry. For Banjo 5 String. Solos. Learn Music by Ear. Bluegrass. Intermediate. DVD. Duration 135. Published by Murphy Method. Â Six challenging new tunes are taught including Don Reno's Limehouse Blues and Dixie Breakdown. Basic melodic licks, new chord positions, and jazzy Reno sounds are introduced. Guest teacher for Kansas City Railroad Blues is Casey Henry. No Tab. Also includes The Goldrush, Bill Cheatum, and Shenandoah Breakdown.
Code: 506290 $59.95 Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â For Banjo (5-String). Solos. Bluegrass. Intermediate-Advanced. DVD. Duration 120. Published by Murphy Method. Earl's "tuner" songs are not as hard to play as you think! "Reuben", with the banjo retuned in the Key of D, is just plain fun to play; and very impressive! How to set the tuners is carefully explained. On "Earl's Breakdown" and "Randy Lynn Rag", Murphy also shows how to play these numbers without the special tuners. "Flint Hill Special", and is also taught. No Tab.