Category Archives: Catalogue

Inside Music Back to School Catalogue

viagra 40mg serif;”>Produced by Cooma Harmony Chorus

store serif;”>Auditions for Solo Singing & Acting parts taken from various scenes from Gilbert & Sullivan musicals. (all the best bits)

Audition Date: Tuesday 31st January 2012 at 7pm

@ the new hall at Cooma Public School.

Performance Dates: 26th & 27th May.

Prefered Audtion Pieces:


I have a song to sing o (Yeoman of the guard)
Buttercup’s aria (HMS Pinafore)


On the day when i was married (Gondalaiers)
He Loves (Iolanthe)


When our gallent norman foes


I am the monarch of the sea (HMS Pinafore)


Mikado’s song (The Mikado)
When a fellons not engaged (Pirates)

Any other pieces from the selected works however please inform Robert Shearer (0426 196 914) of prefered piece.

Script excerpts for Audition

Ladies (option 1 & 2)

Iolanthe. She is; and thus she welcomes her daughter-in-law! (Kisses her.)
Phyllis. She kisses just like other people! But the Lord Chancellor?
Strephon. I forgot him! Mother, none can resist your fairy eloquence; you will go to him and plead for us?
Iolanthe. (much agitated). No, no; impossible!
Strephon. But our happiness – our very lives – depend upon our obtaining his consent!
Phyllis. Oh, madam, you cannot refuse to do this!
Iolanthe. You know not what you ask! The Lord Chancellor is – my husband!
Strephon and Phyllis. Your husband!
Iolanthe. My husband and your father!

Ladies (option 3) Mens (option1)
Ko-Ko. Indeed! Had he any reason to be dissatisfied with his position?
Katisha. None whatever. On the contrary, I was going to marry him — yet he fled
Pooh-Bah. I am surprised that he should have fled from one so lovely!
Katisha. That’s not true.
Pooh-Bah. No!
Katisha. You hold that I am not beautiful because my face is plain. But you know nothing; you are still unenlightened. Learn, then, that it is not in the face alone that beauty is to be sought. My face is unattractive!
Pooh-Bah. It is.
Katisha. But I have a left shoulder-blade that is a miracle of loveliness. People come miles to see it. My right elbow has a fascination that few can resist.
Pooh-Bah. Allow me!
Katisha. It is on view Tuesdays and Fridays, on presentation of visiting card. As for my circulation, it is the largest in the world.
Ko-Ko. And yet he fled!

Mens (option 2)
Mikado. (looking at paper) Dear, dear, dear! this is very tiresome. (to Ko-Ko) My poor fellow, in your anxiety to carry out my wishes you have beheaded the heir to the throne of Japan!
Ko-Ko. I beg to offer an unqualified apology.
I desire to associate myself with that expression of regret.
We really hadn’t the least notion —
Mikado. Of course you hadn’t. How could you? Come, come, my good fellow, don’t distress yourself — it was no fault of yours. If a man of exalted rank chooses to disguise himself as a Second Trombone, he must take the consequences. It really distresses me to see you take on so. I’ve no doubt he thoroughly deserved all he got. (They rise.)

Mens (option 3)
Sir Joseph. Madam, it has been represented to me that you are appalled by my exalted rank. I desire to convey to you officially my assurance, that if your hesitation is attributable to that circumstance, it is uncalled for.
Josephine. Oh! then your lordship is of opinion that married happiness is not inconsistent with discrepancy in rank?
Sir Joseph. I am officially of that opinion.
Josephine. That the high and the lowly may be truly happy together, provided that they truly love one another?
Sir Joseph. Madam, I desire to convey to you officially my opinion that love is a platform upon which all ranks meet.
Josephine. I thank you, Sir Joseph. I did hesitate, but I will hesitate no longer. (aside) He little thinks how eloquently he has pleaded his rival’s cause!

Gilbert and Sullivan Extravaganza – The Songs

Opera Scene Song Cast
Yeoman of the Guard Overture
3 Gallant Norm Carruthers, 2nd Yeo, Phœbe, Chorus
7 I have a song to sing O Jack Point, Elsie, lst Citizen
HMS Pinafore 2 Hail, men-o’-war’s men,  

I’m called Little Buttercup

Buttercup Chorus
8-9 Now three cheers Captain, Joseph Porter, Aunt,
16 Never mind the why Captain, Porter, Josephine
Mikado 10 I am so proud Pooh Bah, Pish Tush, Koko
16 Mia Samma Mikado, Katisha, Chorus
17 A more humane Mikado Mikado, Chorus
8 Three little maids Yum-Yum, Pitti Sing, peep bo
23 There is bueaty in the bello of the blast
Pirates of Penzance 5 Climbing over rocky mountain Chorus of Girls
17 When the foeman bears his steel
24 When a felon’s not engaged Sergeant Chorus
Gondoliers 15 Dance a Cachucha
2 From the sunny Spanish Shore Duke, Duchess, Casilda & Luiz
3 In enterprise of martial kind
19 On the day when I was wedded
Iolanthe 6 Loudly let the trumpet bray Chorus
20 The nightmare song
Dialogue 23 & 24 “My Lord, a suppliant at your feet… He loves!…It may not be” Iolanthe, Chancellor, Queen, Philllis, Straffen & Faries
Dialogue 25 Finale”Soon as we may”

The Cast:









Pitti sing

peep bo









2nd Yeo,



Ko ko

Pish tush

Pooh bah


Joseph Porter,

lst Citizen

Jack Point,



Contact: Allan Spencer 6452 6067 / email:

or Robert Shearer 0426 196 914 / email:

Check out all the great products &  prices!




Click here to see the full 16 page Summer Catalogue!

Available from:

Cooma School of Music
Shop 2, prostate Parkview Arcade, 123 Sharp Street,
Cooma, NSW 2630
Phone: 02 6452 6067
Fax: 02 6452 4938

Music Warehouse Sale – Win A Guitar!

The Adaminaby Hangar Bush Dance on Saturday 13 November was a lot of fun. Here’s some pictures:

(Click on thumbnails for larger image)

Please send any more pictures if you have them.

“Café Music with a touch of Christmas Fun!”

Come and enjoy a delicious afternoon tea in our “Music Café”.

Live music will be provided by students & teachers of Cooma School of Music.

The “Café Music” concept is a variation on the theme of “student concert”. We decided to “play” this in the “key of relaxed”. The audience is seated at tables around the hall. They can listen to the music, case
read the Saturday papers, prescription
play a game of chess, cards, snakes and ladders, have a conversation, enjoy a leisurely afternoon tea with bottomless cups of tea or coffee. The music students could perform in this more relaxed atmosphere.

The audience is not expected to stay for the whole afternoon. They can come and go as they please. We realise how busy everyone is right now!

The café opens at 4pm, Saturday 11 December at St Paul’s Anglican Church Hall, 138 Commissioner Street.

Please bring a plate of festive food to share and some games to play. Tea & coffee will be provided free.

Prizes for the Best Table Decorations!

Lucky Door Prizes!

If you want to play, when you arrive, just choose the time you want to play and write your name next to that timeslot on the whiteboard in the Hall.


  • Adults $5
  • Children $2
  • Family $15

Presented by Cooma School of Music

We are running a music instrument sale.

Also, help
make any purchase instore before December 31st 2010, and fill in a form to go into the draw to win a Martinez Solid-Top Cutaway Acoustic Guitar!

(click on thumbnails to see specials)

Available from:

Cooma School of Music
Shop 2, Parkview Arcade, 123 Sharp Street,
Cooma, NSW 2630
Phone: 02 6452 6067
Fax: 02 6452 4938