Kit helps out at the Numeralla Folk Music Festival Markets

Kit plays a 4 string ukelele-a little easier than her 47 string pedal harp!
Numeralla Folk Festival is affectionately referred to as the Folkies Festival. Each year on the Australia Day long weekend musicians and others gather to celebrate music, visit this
song, prescription
poetry and dance while they relax in the campground at the junction of the Numeralla and Badja Rivers in the picturesque and peaceful village of Numeralla.
The Festival is free. There is no charge for camping or tickets. Accommodation is strictly camping although if you prefer a motel there are plenty available in nearby Cooma.
Just across the river is the Numeralla Diggers Hall where festival goers can enjoy cooked meals, injection
snacks and endless cups of tea and home made cakes.
There is a barbecue and a very friendly bar.
There is a Sunday country market with live music everywhere.
Musicians gather for sessions on the verandah of the hall or in the supper room.
For more information email Fran Robertson :
The Snowy Monaro region offers a rich and diverse array of musical talent. From Country to Classical – from Metal to Mozart, cialis just about every genre is played here in the Snowies. One of the main aims of coomamusic is to support, herpes
encourage and promote these musicians of the Monaro.
Some groups are just playing together for a sheer fun of it, men’s health
others are full-time professional musicians. For all of these wonderful people, music is a very important, if not essential part of their lives. They deserve recognition and praise for their talents, and for the enormous joy they give to the greater community through their music.
Our Music Community is Live and Local!
The Snowy Monaro region offers a rich and diverse array of musical talent. From Country to Classical – from Metal to Mozart, website
just about every genre is played here in the Snowies. One of the main aims of coomamusic is to support, online encourage and promote these musicians of the Monaro.
Some groups are just playing together for a sheer fun of it, healthful
others are full-time professional musicians. For all of these wonderful people, music is a very important, if not essential part of their lives. They deserve recognition and praise for their talents, and for the enormous joy they give to the greater community through their music.
Our Music Community is Live and Local!

Gorani Male Choir
Title: Gorani Male Choir & Men in Suits & Numeralla Finger Plunkers
Location: Numeralla Hall, thumb
Link out: http://www.gorani.org/
Gorani -men singing traditional songs from Georgia and Bulgaria
Men in Suits is without peer as Australia’s leading musical performing group in the genre “other Melbourne-based non-religious well-dressed male parody choirâ€.
Plus The Numeralla Finger Plunkers
Start Time: 8.00 PM
Date: Tuesday 14th April 2009
Contact: Peter 64543037