Tag Archives: Cooma Town Band
Young@Art 2011 was a Great Success!
This year’s Young@Art was a great success. Young local musicians produced a wonderful concert of which they should be very proud. The Snowy Mountains Arts Council presented this concert. The SMAC have recently purchased a brand new Kaiwai grand piano and the new piano was another “star of the show”. This was the first ever performance for the new piano. This really is a wonderful instrument and an enormous addition to the vibrant music culture of this region.
Here’s an overview of the performances:
- Snowy Mountains Ensemble: T Susato – Danserye
- Louisa Wall, pilule piano: A Khatchaturian – Etude
- Caitlin Ventura, purchase flute: General John Reid – Sonata for Flute & Piano (Accompanist, Matthew Ventura, Piano)
- Cooma District Band Juniors: Rachel Stevenson, clarinet, Louisa Wall, clarinet, Emma Stevenson, trumpet, Tim Wall, trombone, Jared Sopnieski, trombone : O Hammerstein – Edelweiss & J Compello – Clarinet Capers.
- Lucy Wiles, piano: D Cimaroso – Sonata
- Magdalene Tugwell, clarinet: G Faure – Sicilienne (Accompanist, Judith Marriott, Piano)
- Dara Smith, classical guitar: P Houghton – Black Rose
- Miranda Evans, piano: M Mier – Steamboat Rag
- Magdalene Tugwell, clarinet and Lucy Wiles, flute: A Dvorak – Humoresque (Accompanist, Judith Marriott, Piano)
- Monaro High School Year 10 Music Class: Eagle Eyed Cherry – Save Tonight (Conductor Sarah Wall)
- Nicholas Tugwell, baritone saxophone: N H Long – Undercurrent Theme and Variations (Accompanist, Judith Marriott, Piano)
- Lucy Wiles, flute: C Debussy – Le Petit Negre (Accompanist, Judith Marriott, Piano)
- Kai Bakker, piano: M Reger- Fast zu Keck
- Alisha Brady, voice & guitar: T Reznor – Hurt
- Emma Ventura, violin: J F Mazas – Duet No 16 Allegro Risoluto (Accompanist, Jarka Sekker, violin)
- Niko Bakker, piano: F Chopin – Mazurka Op 67 No 4
- Matthew Ventura, flute: C Chaminade – Concertino for Flute and Piano (Accompanist, Glenyss Allen)
The Compere for Young@Art was Simon Allen.
The Snowy Mountains Ensemble are:
Tina Rooney, Caitlyn Ventura, Tamara John-Natley, Bridie Mackay, Matthew Ventura, Maai Johnson, Molly Barrett,
Sarah Ventura, Roslyn Carroll, Peter Hickling, Emma Ventura, Maggie Shatrov, Bradley Ventura and Happi Human;
playing Violin, Viola, Cello, Flute, Clarinet, Bass Clarinet and Bassoon
Our Musicians Help Welcome Torah Bright & Our Olympians
Title: Once Upon a Time…’, mycoplasmosis David Pereira Cello Series, Program 2
Location: Wesley Music Centre, 20 National Circuit Forrest ACT
Link out: Click here
Description: Friday 9 April 7:30pm David Pereira Cello Series 2010, Program II – featuring Budos: The Three Sisters and Troselj: Walking on Broken Glass. Musicians include Marian Budos (guitar and composer), Ivana Troselj (composer), Niels Rosendahl (tenor sax), David Pereira (cello) and Alice Giles (harp).
Advance ticket purchase:
- 0404 499 348
- or email: onewithyoursound@hotmail.com .
- Adults $30, concession $25, Friends of Wesley $22, students $15, children $10.
- Tickets also available at the door.
Dates: Friday 9th April, 7:30 pm, Wesley Music Centre, 20-22 National Circuit, Forrest ACT.
Saturday 10th April, 3:00 pm, Wesley Music Centre, 20-22 National Circuit, Forrest ACT.
Sunday 11th April, 2:00 pm, Performance Space, Crisp Galleries, Gap Range, Bowning NSW. The Galleries are located 14kms south of the Yass Service Centre on the road to Gundagai.
More about…
The magical tradition of storytelling, puppetry and live music will come to life in the next David Pereira Cello Series.
Catherine Roach, a Canberra-based theatre director and puppeteer, will be joined by Cathy Petocz to create a new puppetry performance illustrating new works by Marian Budos and Ivana Troselj.
The story of the ‘Little Mermaid’, a classic by Hans Christian Anderson, is the inspiration behind Ivana Troselj’s new work ‘On Broken Glass’. In her composition the cello adopts the voice of the little mermaid, struggling to be heard by her beloved.
‘The Three Sisters’, a new composition by award-winning composer Marian Budos follows the beloved Slovakian folktale, ‘Salt is More Precious than Gold’: A story of three princesses proving the extent of their love for their father.
Both works will be narrated and are written especially for Alice Giles (harp), Niels Rosendahl (saxophone), Marian Budos (guitar) and David Pereira (cello).
Other musical items on the program include an Australian premiere of a terrific duo for harp and cello by Kikta and improvisations for cello and saxophone.
For those fond of a Sunday drive, ‘Once Upon a Time…’ will also be repeated at the Crisp Galleries Performance Space, at Bowning on Sunday 11th April at 2:00 pm. The Performance Space adjoins Peter Crisp’s glass studio and overlooks a beautiful garden that includes a formal avenue of trees and a waterfall.
The concerts coincide with Hans Christian Anderson’s birthday celebrations; International Childrens’ Book Day; and National Youth Week (9-18 April). The project is also being promoted by the Childrens’ Book Council of Australia.
Last Saturday, prostate
gold medallist Torah Bright and her fellow “locally raised” Winter Olympians, therapist
Jenny Owens, site
Ben Sim, Jono Brauer, Scott Kneller and Ramone Cooper were treated to a fantastic welcome home from Cooma. There was an unveiling of a special plaque at Apex Park, a very cool motorcade of vintage sports cars, and a Civic Reception in Centennial Park and at the Multi Function Centre. And our local musicians were there to make this event even better.
- Cooma District Band at Centennial Park
- Chrs Wall composed a special song for the occassion.
- Bill McIntyre and Daniel Morassutti on side drums
- Michael Egan performed in the band and sang in the choir
- Torah meets the Cooma Harmony Chorus
- The Chorus sings “Olympic Anthem” by Chris Wall
- Our Winter Olympians enjoy the music
- Combined School Choir at the Multi-Function Centre
- Hazel & Jess help out with the Choir
- The Combined School Choir sing “Hallelujah”, Torah’s favourite song!
- Combined Schools Choir at Cooma Multi Function Centre
Big Harmony Concert a great success!
Title: Moruya Jazz Festival
Location: Moruya, sales South East Coast NSW
Link out: Click here
Description: The 13th Annual Moruya Jazz Festival
23rd-24th-25th October 2009
Start Date: 2009-10-23
End Date: 2009-10-25
Title: Moruya Jazz Festival
Location: Moruya, approved
South East Coast NSW
Link out: Click here
Description: The 13th Annual Moruya Jazz Festival
23rd-24th-25th October 2009
Start Date: 2009-10-23
End Date: 2009-10-25
Title: Moruya Jazz Festival
Location: Moruya, tadalafil
South East Coast NSW
Link out: Click here
Description: The 13th Annual Moruya Jazz Festival
23rd-24th-25th October 2009
Start Date: 2009-10-23
End Date: 2009-10-25
Title: Moruya Jazz Festival
Location: Moruya, prothesis
South East Coast NSW
Link out: Click here
Description: The 13th Annual Moruya Jazz Festival
23rd-24th-25th October 2009
Start Date: 2009-10-23
End Date: 2009-10-25
The “Big Harmony Concert” was a great success on Sunday 5 July. The concert was presented by the Cooma District Band and the Cooma Harmony Chorus. It was the greatly due to combined efforts of Chris Wall (CDB) and Leslie Spencer (CHC) that made this  afternoon of music making such an enjoyable concert.
Here are some photos of the event kindly taken by Rob Evans.

Cooma Harmony Chorus in fine voice

Cooma Harmony Chorus

Jessie Roberts sings solo

Cooma District Band under the direction of Chris Wall

Chris multi-tasks with his bass trumpet

Keith Davies is recognized for his years of dedicated service

The audience was invited to join in the singing! What fun!

Michael Egan is a treasured member of both the Band & the Chorus.

Michael Egan singing solo

Russell Fox singing solo

Fay Fox singing solo

Leslie Spencer is thanked with flowers
Cooma Harmony Chorus & Cooma Town Band Concert
Title: Performers Open Night
Location: Coffey’s Hotel, more about Corner Commissioner & Short Streets, diagnosis Cooma
Description: A chance to play, sing or perform in front of a live audience.
Contact: Rick 0439 478 753
Start Time: 6.00 pm
Date: Thursday 18th June 2009
Title: Cooma Harmony Chorus & Cooma Town Band Concert
Location: St Paul’s Anglican Church Hall, dysentery
Commissioner Street, Phimosis
Description: A musical afternoon performed & presented by the Cooma Harmony Chorus & Cooma Town Band
Start Time: 2.00pm
Date: Sunday 5th July 2009

Cooma Town Band

Cooma Harmony Chorus