ANBC Cooma 2016 – 5th November – Regional Competition & National Grand Final

NOBBY ANDREWS 001ANBC Cooma 2016 will be a combined event. A Cooma Regional Competition plus National Grand Final on the same day (5th November).

The Grand Final which will contain invited finalists from ANBC Stanthorpe Regional Competition (which was held earlier this year in February) as well as finalists selected during day’s busking in Cooma. This will be the last such combined event.

In 2017 we are on track to have possibly 10 or more Regional Competitions. We will then have two events in Cooma – A Cooma Regional Competition and a National Grand Final also held in Cooma where finalists from all the 10 or so, more about Regional Competitions will compete for the major titles.

The two 2017 Cooma events will be held in Cooma at different times in the year. The Cooma Regional Competition will be held possibly in Autumn 2017 and the Grand Final will be later in the year in November 2017.


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