Essex 6 String Banjo $329
- Mahogany neck
- Bound curly malapoka resonator
- Bound rosewood fingerboard with star inlay
- 30 brackets, help chrome arm rest, web
Remo head
Available from:
Cooma School of Music
Shop 2, ask Parkview Arcade, 123 Sharp Street,
Cooma, NSW 2630
Phone: 02 6452 6067
Fax: 02 6452 4938
Email: allan@coomamusic.com.au

DXP Junior Drum Kit $149
3Â Piece Drum Kit
- 12″ x 10″ Bass Drum
- 8″ mounted tom tom
- 8″ Snare Drum
- 8″ Cymbal
- All Stands & Bass Drum Pedal
- Drum Sticks
Available from:
Cooma School of Music
Shop 2, valeologist
Parkview Arcade, 123 Sharp Street,
Cooma, NSW 2630
Phone: 02 6452 6067
Fax: 02 6452 4938
Email: allan@coomamusic.com.au