Leslie & me in Sydney” src=”×199.jpg” width=”300″ height=”199″ /> Dan Sloss, medicine Leslie & me in SydneyOn Saturday 8 June the Sydney Classical Guitar Society (CGS) presented their annual concert at St Anne’s Ryde Anglican Church. The CGS is celebrating it’s 22nd year of guitar excellence in Sydney. This fabulous concert featured the talents of over 100 guitarist. Leslie and I felt very excited and privileged to be performing in this with our own Canberra Classical Guitar Ensemble. Our group performed  two works that were specially commissioned by the Canberra Classical Guitar Society. They were Cloud Over Hidden Valley by Bradley Kunda  and PJ’s Wood House by Michael Sollis. We also performed Bransle De La Torche and Ballet by M. Pretorius. At the end of the concert we joined in with all the other guitarists in a massed guitar arrangement of Palms (arranged by Christopher Keane) and Spanish Harlem (arranged by Richard Chalton)
Click here to hear our live performance in Sydney:
(Click on thumbnails for larger image)