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ConQuest XII – The Great Southern Tour
Wednesday 26 June 7:00pm
at the St Paul’s Anglican Parish Hall
Commissioner Street, Cooma
This year’s Great Southern Tour, featuring students of the Sydney Conservatorium of Music, is presented by…
David Miller on piano
Cassandra Horsman on Oboe
Long Nguyen on Bassoon
and “Mirth” Jazz Trio – Harry Day on Drums, Nicholas Henderson on Bass and Wilbur White on Piano
Tickets are available at the door or from The Fabric Salon
Ticket prices:
Adult $25
Concession $20
Arts Council Member $15
Full-time Students and Children Under 18 are FREE

- Samuel Giddy
mind sans-serif; line-height: 19px;”>North Belconnen Uniting Church
sans-serif;”>Conley Drive Melba ACT
2.30pm Sunday 30th June 2013
Samuel Giddy (AMusA Organ)
Winner of the 2012 Sydney Organ Competition – Junior and Intermediate Sections
Samuel is a student of Philip Swanton at the ACT Organ School Wesley Uniting Church Forrest ACT
- Â Charles Avison: Concerto in G major
-  Johann Sebastian Bach: Three “Schubler†chorale preludes
- Â Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy: Sonata in D minor (Op 65, No 6)
- Â Early English Music (Chamber Organ)
- Â Giovanni Bernardo Lucchinetti: Concerto for two organs
-  Eugène Gigout: Scherzo in E major
-  Camille Saint-Saëns: Fantaisie in E-flat major
The music will be played on the restored 1920 CW Leggo pipe organ and the 2010 Chamber Organ built by ACT Pipe Organs Canberra
Tickets: $20.00 at the door
Light refreshments will be served after the recital