Title: Cooma Music Competition 2010
Location: St Paul’s Anglican Church Hall, syringe Commissioner Street, Cooma NSW
Description: Showcase your musical talents for Trophies & Cash Prizes.
Heats start at 12 noon
Finals Concert 7 pm
Contact: Allan Spencer (02) 6452 6067
Email: allan@coomamusic.com.au
Tag Archives: cooma music competition
Cooma Music Competition a great success!

Young performers shine at the Cooma Music Competition
This year’s Cooma Music Competition was a great success. 62 contestants performed over 70 items in over 6 hours of heats on Sunday afternoon. Then in the evening 15 of the heat winners performed for the Finals Concert.  Of  all these 15 performers 4 overall winners were awarded the 4 music awards: Matthew Ventura (Flute) won the Frank Scott Music Award. Tim Wiles (Piano and Voice) won the Russell and Jackie Fox Music Award. Caitlyn Ventura (Flute) won the Apex Youth Encouragement Music Award. Viki Parsons (Flute and Voice) won a Special Judges’ Music Award. The other heat winners were: Tebany Carra (for Piano Primary & Voice Primary), check Annika Rooney (Classical Guitar Primary), infection Esa Janara (Classical Guitar Secondary), cost Ned McPhie (Modern Guitar Open and Composition Open), Sarah Ventura (Strings Primary), Emma Ventura (Strings Secondary), Esther Lachmund (Composition Secondary) and  Meghan Taylor (Voice Open). The “Swing Kings”, a saxophone quartet consisting of Alex Wiles, Zeb Learoyd, Michael Bowman and Nicholas Tugwell, won the Instrumental Ensemble Secondary.  And Rosie O’Sullivan School of Dance with Meghan Taylor, Dani Venables, Laura Alcock and Eva Klima won the Vocal Group Open.

Bradley, complete with guitar & stomp box gave a great performance

David played piano for the competition for the first time.

Imogen was proud of her certificate and performance

Alisha sung and played guitar

Chris, Zak, Dylan, Brodie & Alex did a great job

Emma won her heat, Strings Secondary

Jade had fun with her violin

Our wonderful judges, James Lloyd, Caroline Fox and Val Crawford

Karen Klima performed her own song in the Composition, Open section

Madeleine won the Classical Guitar Primary section

Matthew won the Woodwind Secondary section as well as the Frank Scott Music Award

Ned McPhie won the Open Modern Guitar and the Open Composition sections

Sarah won the Strings Primary section

Brodie, Esther and Matthew were friendly competitors in the Composition Secondary section. Esther won this one with her "Secret Garden" for solo piano.

Jack, Lizzy, Dayna, Matthew, Viki, Kendall & Rowena all competed in the Open/Secondary Woodwind

"Swings Kings" won the Instrumental Ensemble Primary/Secondary section

"Swing Kings", Michael, Alex, Nicholas and Zeb received their award

Tebany won the Primary Piano & Vocal sections

Tim Wiles won the Russell & Jackie Fox Music Award

Viki Parsons won the "Special Judges' Prize" for her flute and vocal performances
Cooma Music Competition 2009

Poster by Rowena Evans
Title: Cooma Music Competition
Location: St Paul’s Anglican Church Hall, this Commissioner Street, visit Cooma
Description: A chance for musicians to showcase their skills.
Heats: from 12.00 noon
Finals & Concert: 7.00 pm
Date: Sunday 27 September 2009
For entry forms & details contact:
Allan Spencer: allan@coomamusic.com.au
Ph: (02) 6452 6067
Cooma Music Competition 2008 Photos
Here’s the photos from last year’s Cooma Music Competition.