Monaro Country Music Muster
A weekend of country music is being planned for Friday, oncology 30th March to Sunday, 1st. April 2012 in Cooma, to raise money to support the Monaro Committee for Cancer Research. The MCCR wants to raise funds to support families living with cancer in the Cooma-Monaro, Bombala and Snowy River Shires.
♫ Friday 30th March at 7.30pm – Jay Podger’s Album Launch
Venue: Cooma ExServices Club
Tickets: $20 ($5 of which goes to MCCR)
♫ Saturday 31th March – Cooma Country & Bowling Club
1.00pm Bush Poetry ($2 includes afternoon tea)
7.00pm Walk-Up Concert ($5 includes light supper)
-Poets & musician welcome to perform-
♫ Sunday 1st April – Concert in Centennial Park Cooma
11.00am – 4.00pm
(Bring a chair/rug. Donations will be greatfully accepted. If it’s raining this concert will be moved to the Cooma ExServices Club)
Enquires please contact:
Elaine Schofield Phone:Â 02 64525925 Email
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Harmony Day 2012.
website like this
sans-serif;”>From 9.00am to 3.00pm at Centennial Park in Cooma.
- Market Stalls
- Performances from around the World
- International Cuisine
- Entertainment for the whole family
If you require further information  –
Contact : Yvi Henderson at Monaro Family Support Services in Cooma
- Ph: Â 0264 523 450 or
- Mobile 0458 523 457 or
- Email