Tag Archives: Australian National Busking Championships

Over $10,000 in Cash Prizes to be won!

saab-in-blue-skyRecord Prize Pool!
This year we have $10, viagra approved  600 in cash prizes plus Rex Regional Express Airlines have donated 2 return flight tickets from Cooma to Sydney. This is valued at $862.40. Entries close this Saturday 29th October.

Check out the full List of Prizes here:


Entries close Saturday 29th October – Entry Forms here:


Australian National Busking Championshipsâ„¢ is looking to grow!

here sans-serif;”>Australian National Busking Championshipsâ„¢

– A Unique Music Festival For Your Town


The Australian National Busking Championshipsâ„¢ (ANBC) is now in it’s 5th year. For the first four years the ANBC has been held exclusively in Cooma NSW, the picturesque and historic capital of Australia’s Snowy Mountains. We have thought of these early years as the first stage in the ANBC vision for the future.

The next stage now is to make this event a truly National Championship by holding Preliminary Championships in various regional towns around Australia. The winners from these regional events will be then invited to complete in the Grand Final back in Cooma on the first weekend in November of each year.

This event has been a great success from day one and as the years have gone by we have developed a template for this festival that we feel, can work in any town with the right kind support and know-how.

We have already had a wonderfully successful ANBC Preliminary Regional Final in Stanthrope, Queensland this year in February.

Stanthorpe Photo Album:  http://coomamusic.com.au/australian-national-busking-championships/anbc-stanthorpe-my-photo-album

Stanthorpe Video Album: http://coomamusic.com.au/australian-national-busking-championships/anbc-stanthorpe-2016-video

A Unique Music Festival:

The Australian National Busking Championshipsâ„¢ is a different sort of music festival for Australia. Music festivals in Australia have typically been based on a particular style of music, e.g. Tamworth Country Music Festival, Woodford Folk Festival, Byron Bay Blues Festival. The ANBC is a celebration of all styles of music because the buskers that perform in this festival bring a huge variety of music to the event. Whether that be Blues, Jazz, Pop, Rock, Folk, Country, Bluegrass, Indigenous, Multicultural or Classical, the Australian National Busking Championshipsâ„¢ reflects the rich diversity of Australian music culture.

Tickets for most music festivals are expensive; in the ANBC all the street entertainment is provided free of charge. The audience can, of course, tip the busker but that is their choice. All this wonderful music is performed literally feet away from them.

Although there are buskers at many music festivals in Australia, busking is typically relegated to a fringe activity. However, in this festival the buskers take pride of place. This festival brings music back to the people, back to the streets.

How Does This Work?

The buskers are assigned special locations (Busking Hot Spots), at various times, around the central business district of the participating town. A timetable will be emailed to all the registered buskers. Roaming judges assess these performances during the day. The buskers get to choose how many sets they would like to perform and whether they would like to perform for the whole day or just at certain times. However, all buskers must be available to perform in the Preliminary Finals Concert at say, 5pm to be held in an open air venue such as the town park.

The prize-winners for the age categories will be selected by a panel of judges at the Preliminary Finals Concert. The Open Age Winner for each of these regional championships will be invited to go on to compete in the Grand Finals in Cooma.

A Worthwhile Community Event.

In Cooma, we have found that from it’s first year the Australian National Busking Championshipsâ„¢ has helped local not-for-profit groups raise money through fund raising activities on the day. Organisations such as the Cooma District Hospital Auxiliary, Cooma Rotary Club, Cooma Railway, 2MNO Community Radio, Cooma Swimming Club, St Patrick’s Parish School, to name a few, have raised thousands of dollars through this event. In fact, the main reason why the Australian National Busking Championshipsâ„¢ came into existence was through the wonderful work of the “Snowy Ride”. The ANBC was originally conceived to provide entertainment and fun for the 4,000 or so Snowy Riders as they pass through Cooma. Since it’s beginnings in 2001, this annual motorcycle event has raised over $5 million towards childhood cancer research. The Snowy Ride is organised by the Steven Walter Children’s Cancer Foundation. So we, at the Australian National Busking Championshipsâ„¢ are pleased to support the Snowy Ride. For more information about the Snowy Ride go to:https://www.snowyride.org.au/

The ANBC has also generated a much needed financial boost to the businesses of our country town. Coffee shops, restaurants, hotels, motels, clubs, retail shops and service stations have all benefited over the years. For Cooma, the ANBC comes at a normally “lean time” well after the winter ski season and before the start of Christmas trading. To their credit, local businesses have got behind this event by generously sponsoring prizes for the winners of the Championships.

The Rotary Club Partnership.

In 2014, the Rotary Club of Cooma offered their assistance in running this community based event. Ever since, ANBC has gone from strength to strength. The ANBC committee sees this Rotary connection has vital to the continual growth of this great event.

The Australian National Busking Championshipsâ„¢ has the unique ability to provide significant benefits to the performers, the venue hosts, local businesses, community organisations and the general public. We hope you can join us in providing this wonderful event for your town. Celebrate with us, Australia’s rich and diverse music street culture!

More Links:

ANBC Stanthorpe 2016 – Video

ABC Radio National – Bush Telegraph – Busking Report



Why Busk?

Busking is so cool right now! And the Australian National Busking Championships™ is growing throughout the States of Australia with over 9 Regional Competitions planned for 2017.

Here are some of the benefits to the buskers that perform in Australian National Busking Championshipsâ„¢:

Josh Maynard

Josh Maynard 

1. Anyone can be a busker – Beginners to professionals
2. Lots of prizes to go around – Multiple prizes for 3 age categories, pregnancy best band, sale and special judges awards.
3. All genres of music welcome – from country to blues, patient from folk to classical
4. Singers and instrumentalists welcome.
5. Non-musical street entertainers welcome
6. Solos, Duos, Trios and larger ensembles and choirs welcome.
7. All cash tips you make on the day are yours to keep
8. Sell your CDs and merchandise – no problems
9. Enjoy the attention and encouragement of large numbers of happy people  – they are there to enjoy the busking festival and your music.
10. 1st 2nd & 3rd  place getters of the age categories will automatically qualify to compete in the Grand Final in Cooma NSW
11. All the top performers will receive year-round promotion through our website and social media pages = gigs! Become part of an Australian wide celebration of Street Music.
12. Last but not least – it’s so much Fun! We’ve found in Cooma that many buskers have been coming back year after year, many travelling hundreds of miles. Prizes or no prizes!

Here are the Benefits to Music Teachers, Schools and Music Organizations:
1. The busking championships is a great motivator for students
2. A fun goal to aim towards
3. Building repertoire – buskers need to perfect at least 30 minutes of solid playing
4. Puts music on a bigger stage in your community – lifting its profile.
5. Builds interest in music
6. Keeps students interested and engaged
7. Attracts more people into studying and being involved in music.
8. It’s very cool.


The Bush Nutz rockin’ it out at ANBC Stanthorpe 2016

Australian National Busking Championshipsâ„¢ 2015

The Australian National Busking Championships™ 2015 held in Cooma on Saturday 7th November were once again an outstanding success. The high standard and wide range of  the performances was breathtaking. Over 150 buskers competed  for 21 trophies and prizes worth over $10, this web 000 in total.

The Winners were…

(Click on link)

Prizes & Winners 2015

The String Family -Open Champions -Best Band -Special Judges Award_Family

The String Family
-Open Champions
-Best Band
-Special Judges Award_Family

Here’s some photos from the day:


Australian National Busking Championshipsâ„¢ 2014

ANBC Cooma 2014 was a fantastic success!

Guyy Lilleyman_Open Champion_ANBC Cooma 2014

Guyy Lilleyman_Open Champion_ANBC Cooma 2014

And the Winners are:

Winners – 2014 ANBC Cooma

Here’s some great photos of the day

String Family Cooma Concert

The String Family will be performing in concert on Saturday 18th June 2:30pm at St Paul’s Anglican Church Hall, purchase 136 Commissioner Street Cooma NSW 2630

This concert will be part of their Australia-wide tour. This exciting ensemble was the open section winner in last year’s Australian National Busking Championships in Cooma. Since then, page among many other awards, they have won the open section of the South East Queensland ANBC regional finals this year, which was held in Stanthorpe. They made such a huge impression in Stanthorpe that they have been invited back to perform in the “Snowflakes in Stanthorpe” Festival in July.
Tickets are available from Cooma School of Music:
Adults – $25
Concessions – $20 (including Students, Seniors Card Holders & SMAC Members)
Children – Free
Afternoon Tea will also be provided free of charge.
String Family Videos:
The String Family will in the Cooma/Monaro/Snowy Mountains/Canberra region for most of June. They are available to perform for Weddings, House Concerts, School Workshops & Concerts, Restaurants, Private & Corporate Functions. For inquires regarding your special event call Sarah on 0415 424 855.
The String Family - Cooma Concert Poster 02

The String Family Is Coming To The Snowies!

the sring family
I’m very happy to announce that The String Family is coming to Cooma/Snowy Mountains/Canberra region in June as part of their Australian Tour
Among many other awards, symptoms The String Family are the current Australian National Busking Champions.
They really are a talented and lovely family.
Their performances have been electrifying. And I have been amazed by the audience reaction to their music.
Sarah, sale the mother, medical is a concert violinist in her own right and has travelled around the world performing in all sorts of countries and venues as a  soloist as well as with various groups of musicians. Sarah’s plan now is to spend more time with her wonderful family and travel round Australia sharing their music.
If you hear of any performing opportunities, such as weddings, house concerts, dinner parties, private or corporate functions The String Family will be in the area from 5 to 30 June and they would be more than happy to perform.
Call Sarah on 0415 424 855 or email: sarah@stringfamily.com.au
sarah moir concert violinist

ANBC Stanthorpe 2016 – Video

Here some video footage that I took in Stanthorpe QLD during the Australian National Busking Championships™  South East Queensland Regional Finals 2016.  I apologize about the quality of the videos but I did take them literally “on the run”.